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What can it do for you?

What can it do?

The therapeutic effects range from the mundane to the complex, from localised tooth pain to whole body health.

Recognition of problem areas: In the hands of a trained health practitioner, the imbalances in the subtle energy field are tracked to determine the most probable sources of ill health. It stimulates conscious awareness of unconscious processes.

Energetic treatment

In addition the SCIO has the capability to transmit approximately 50 different corrective energies to help the body establish energetic balance for health and well being. This includes locating and unblocking the flow of energy, zapping pathogens, biofeedback, stimulating repair processes, stimulating detoxification, desensitising allergies, reducing stress, balancing emotions, balancing chakras and more.

Additional treatment recommendations 

The health practitioner is also able to determine the lifestyle changes and remedies, including correction of nutritional deficiencies, that will best help as a next step in a plan for better health.

It is important to understand that the healing, which begins immediately, may, or may not, be overtly perceptible for a while. The healing process may begin subtly on the inside, with small stimuli starting cascade reactions, which result in significant changes. While it is possible that some acute imbalances may be corrected in one session, a series of sessions will generally tend to be most beneficial.

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