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Managing Stress with SCIO Stress Relief

Managing stress with SCIO stress relief

Reduction and Relief can be one of the most beneficial health steps you can take. Peace, relaxation and biofeedback can help. Stress is defined as a non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it which results in symptoms such as rise in the blood pressure, release of hormones, quickness of breath, tightening of muscles, perspiration, and increased cardiac activity.


Stress is not necessarily negative. Some stress keeps us motivated and alert, while too little stress can create problems. However, too much stress can trigger problems with mental and physical health, particularly over a prolonged period of time.

Any experience that taxes an individual’s energy or well-being; stress may be physical, mental, or emotional
  • Tension (Psychology): a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; “he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension”; “stress is a vasoconstrictor”.

  • Physics: Force that produces strain on a physical body; “the intensity of stress is expressed in units of force divided by units of area”. Mental or physical tension that results from physical, emotional, or chemical causes.

What may be considered “stress relief”?

Anything that relieves mundane stress on a daily basis, such as relaxation, can help. Hans Selye, a Hungarian medical scientist, was the first to use the word “stress” in connection with a picture of health wellness. His theory is that when the body reacts to stress, it creates an “alarm” response.


That means that your body is in good shape to react accordingly to any given stressor, hopefully appropriately and effectively in ways that relieve it. If the stress continues, however, an “adaptation” state may result, where we learn to accommodate or bear the symptoms of stress by adjusting to them.

This can, more positively, mean creating an increase in our tolerance to frustration and moving back into the alarm state, which relieves the stress, or, negatively, reacting with an accommodating adjustment that (temporarily) alleviates the pain of the stress but becomes a new holding pattern.


If the stress continues even longer, an “exhaustion” state is created that may lead to a considerably weakened system. This alarm / adaptation / exhaustion model fits all forms of stress, whether physical, mental, or emotional. Obviously, reducing stress is a key to well-being. Relaxation helps, but how do we know where stress may be hiding in the adapted or exhausted states physically, mentally, and emotionally.


With the help of the SCIO Quantum Biofeedback systems, we can painlessly and non-invasively look at reactions to common stressors and begin to piece the picture together. Most people find the biofeedback experience relaxing, soothing and beneficial.

The side effects of biofeedback may include these possibilities (and many more that may be experienced):

  • Ability to relax more quickly

  • Deeper state of relaxation during sleep

  • Easier to fall asleep and stay asleep

  • Reduction of stress and hypertension

  • Improved general health

  • Increase in amount of calmness and peacefulness

  • Reduction of anger

  • Less fearfulness

  • Fewer anxiety attacks

  • Amelioration of sorrow

  • Reduction of the depth of depression

  • Heightened muscle mobility

  • Enhanced mental clarity

  • Able to pay attention more consistently

  • Better focus of attention

  • Deeper concentration and enhanced memory

  • Less attention to pain and stressors

  • Less concentration on pain and stressors

  • Fewer feelings of pain and stress

  • Less intense focus on pain and stressors

  • Less intensity of any pain or any stress

  • More able to manage stress and pain

Side effects of SCIO

Specialists who provide a variety of forms of Biofeedback range from Psychologists, Medical Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Internists, Nurses, Physical Therapists, Naturopaths, Veterinarians to Energy Medicine Practitioners, and many others.

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